Gli adolescenti diventano degli adulti.
Teenagers become adults.
Teenagers become adults.
La stazione é a due metri da qui.
The station is two meters from here.
The station is two meters from here.
Io ho due sorelle piú grandi.
I have two older sisters.
I have two older sisters.
Io me ne vado.
I’m leaving.
I’m leaving.
Perché muore tanta gente?
Why do so many people die?
Why do so many people die?
Ne hanno nessuna.
They have none.
They have none.
Avete delle macchine piú economiche?
Do you have cheaper cars?
Do you have cheaper cars?
Circa trenta ospiti sono in albergo.
About thirty guests are in the hotel.
About thirty guests are in the hotel.
La bambina parla con se stessa.
The little girl talks to herself.
The little girl talks to herself.
Non mi ricordo di loro.
I don’t remember them.
I don’t remember them.
Mio nonno si siede sempre su quel divano.
My grandfather always sits on that sofa.
My grandfather always sits on that sofa.
Alcuni pesci volano.
Some fish fly.
Some fish fly.
Lui mi ha tenuto un posto.
He saved me a place.
He saved me a place.
Ci siamo andati la settimana scorsa.
We went there last week.
We went there last week.
Mio figlio non ne offre alcuna.
My son offers none.
My son offers none.
Cosa si puó noleggiare?
What can you rent?
What can you rent?
Mio nonno é di etá avanzata.
My grandfather is of advanced age.
My grandfather is of advanced age.
Non la vedo dallo scorso mese.
I haven’t seen her since last month.
I haven’t seen her since last month.
I miei genitori quando ti hanno detto quello.
My parents when they told you that.
My parents when they told you that.
Quello é tutto ció che ho da dire.
That’s all I have to say.
That’s all I have to say.
Puoi unire questi tavoli.
You can merge these tables.
You can merge these tables.
Non so chi é quel signore.
I don’t know who that gentleman is.
I don’t know who that gentleman is.
Sono questi i tuoi occhiali
These are your glasses
These are your glasses
Non capisci ció che voglio dire
You don’t understand what I mean
You don’t understand what I mean
Come fa a sapere cosí tanto sui pesci?
How does he know so much about fish?
How does he know so much about fish?
Quando decideva di fare qualcosa, lui la faceva
When he decided to do something, he did it.
When he decided to do something, he did it.
La prego di arrivare presto.
Please arrive early.
Please arrive early.
Non la pensa cosí la sorella della vittima.
The victim’s sister doesn’t think so.
The victim’s sister doesn’t think so.
Vogliamo tenere l’aula pulita.
We want to keep the classroom clean.
We want to keep the classroom clean.
Lui vuole soltanto un piccolo sforzo da parte tua.
He just wants a little effort on your part.
He just wants a little effort on your part.
Solo io ho avuto l’onore
Only I had the honor.
Only I had the honor.
Abbiamo incontrato i rappresentanti della comunità.
We met with community representatives.
We met with community representatives.
E per questo che usano la violenza.
And that’s why they use violence.
And that’s why they use violence.
La violenza nella scuola é un grande problema.
Violence in schools is a big problem.
Violence in schools is a big problem.
Mi ricordo le volte che fallisci.
I remember the times you fail.
I remember the times you fail.
Quello dice lui non ha importanza.
What he says doesn’t matter.
What he says doesn’t matter.
Hai fatto diventare veri tutti i miei sogni.
You made all my dreams come true.
You made all my dreams come true.
Chissá dove sará stato messo il tavolo.
Who knows where the table was placed.
Who knows where the table was placed.
La partita ti sará piaciuta.
You will have liked the game.
You will have liked the game.
Era puro divertimento senza compromessi.
It was pure uncompromising fun.
It was pure uncompromising fun.
Chiediamo che si metta fine a tutto questo.
We ask that an end be put to all this.
We ask that an end be put to all this.
Non c’era nemmeno un regalo.
There wasn’t even a gift.
There wasn’t even a gift.
Mi chiedo cosa voglia dire questa frase.
I wonder what this phrase means.
I wonder what this phrase means.
Vi siete persi la scena.
You missed the scene.
You missed the scene.
Ci penserò.
I’ll think about it.
I’ll think about it.
Prima o poi succederà.
Sooner or later it will happen.
Sooner or later it will happen.
Non cambierà niente.
Nothing will change.
Nothing will change.
Spero che per quando arriveremo sarà stato aperto
I hope it will have been open by the time we arrive.
I hope it will have been open by the time we arrive.
Cosa avrà voluto dire?
What did he want to say?
What did he want to say?
Quant ritardo abbiamo? Sto facendo tardi.
How late are we? I’m getting late.
How late are we? I’m getting late.
Sapete che sanno recitare?
Do you know that they know how to act?
Do you know that they know how to act?
Adesso sono un musicista molto bravo!
Now I’m a very good musician!
Now I’m a very good musician!
Nostro figlio non può stare solo a casa.
Our son cannot stay at home alone.
Our son cannot stay at home alone.
Devi pulire bene tutti i lavandini.
You have to clean all sinks well.
You have to clean all sinks well.
Che peccato, fa bel tempo oggi!
What a shame, the weather is beautiful today!
What a shame, the weather is beautiful today!
Perché non vieni fuori e lasci che gli altri lo usino?
Why don’t you come out and let others use it?
Why don’t you come out and let others use it?
Sembra che ti piaccia correre qualche rischio.
It seems like you like to take some risks.
It seems like you like to take some risks.
Ti senti di dover ringraziare qualcuno?
Do you feel like you need to thank someone?
Do you feel like you need to thank someone?
Io credo che sia venuta per vedere me.
I think she came to see me.
I think she came to see me.
Nessuno sa da dove lei sia venuta.
Nobody knows where she came from.
Nobody knows where she came from.